This Saturday marked the start of my third week of LiveFit training. I'm happy to report that all is going well and I'm really excited at the increase in intensity with the weight training. This program is introducing me to some exercises that I really didn't do much of on my own, which was one of the main reasons I wanted to do this.
I always find that switching up a workout routine to be fun because it forces me to think differently. I like feeling new types of muscle soreness because it let's me know I'm using my body in new ways!
This week means I'll be adding one more day at the gym (an
extra leg day). It's my hardest day, but that also make it the most
rewarding. I've tried to also stay on top of my stretching as much as
possible to prevent any injuries. My quads are naturally insanely tight,
which can make squats and lunges more taxing if I don't!
I'm happy to report that my eating is also on track. I'm find myself really enjoying my Sundays of dancing and cooking in the kitchen. Preparing all my food at once is only time consuming for a little bit compared to not having to cook for a whole week and I'm loving it. Today I put on 80's music and just sang and dance my whole way through. I've made it a bit of a game for myself one could argue another mini workout seeing as how much I was dancing around!
I found that my desire for sweets has once again rapidly diminished even under periods of stress. I'm not tempted in the least for chocolate, which I must say is rewarding all on it's own.
I did buy some new non-stick skillets which are really rocking my world. I just broke down and got some new ones and it's really help decrease my clean up time and the amount of oil I use when cooking. I've only ever cooked with extra virgin olive oil, which is great for you in moderation, it's just nice to know that now a little goes a much longer way since it's not seeping into the metal pan.
My discovery thus far with eating has really been with breakfast. I've always eaten breakfast, but now doing it much earlier is helping me through my workouts. Getting up just that little bit earlier for my yummy egg white and spinach omelet has been completely worth it. I make sure I give myself enough time to eat and digest a little and I don't get so fatigue during my morning gym time. Also I'm still eating a little bit once I get back home to replace what I've burned. It's usually when I have my banana and a little bit more protein. I really do feel my body absorbing it and it's quite a refreshing feeling.
I cannot stress how important it is to eat a solid protein breakfast. At rest your body is fasting, using up everything while you sleep. Empty belly means no energy! I usually eat about 5 egg whites before I workout now and it's helped so much.
Also I have a new love of quart sized egg whites only cartons, so much easier then separating the yolks out every morning <3
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