If you cry easy or get turned off by strong language you're not going to want to read this. I need to get this off my chest.
It's inconsiderate to ask my advice and not really give two shits about what I'm saying to you. Acting like you care because you feel like you should is wasting my time.
I really don't like that.
I cannot tell you how many women ask my advice on nutrition and fitness. Mostly it's the same repeat offenders asking me the SAME questions over and over. It's always the same people who say things like "I just don't know how you do it."
Guess what? I just do it, I don't bitch like a little pussy and whine that I never look good in a bathing suit.
This isn't tough love, this is tough life.
You wouldn't believe the shit I've been through, it would probably give you all heart attacks to know the things that have happened to me, you deal with it and become better.
You want something, you work hard for it.
Nothing pisses me off more then people who just "read" about fitness and nutrition. You should educate yourself, you should learn as much as you can about your body and what you put in it, but you talking/reading about it isn't you doing it.
If you don't give a fuck about your body why should I give a fuck about it?
"But I want to drink a bottle of wine every night…"
Ok I can see why.
Anytime you say, "But I like, I want to, but can't I just…" my ears shut you off. You want to get your pleasure from pizza, candy and booze, do it, you'll look like you get your pleasure in life from pizza, candy and booze.
I don't think I could ever be a trainer. As much as I love the thought I just have zero tolerance for laziness and excuses.
I know it's fucking hard, you think I don't?! I was fat! I was sick and depressed and so out of shape it was ridiculous. I've lost 40lbs pounds and kept it off, I didn't do that by saying "Yeah but I want to eat cake or I'm tired I'll do it tomorrow."
All the people that bitch to me about how hard it is to be fit, I'm going to start telling them to fuck off. I just don't want to hear it anymore. My middle finger is gonna get a lot of extra exercise.
Buck up and take care of yourself or shut up about it.
You don't have to be nazi about your training and there is a time and place to celebrate and party. You just don't celebrate everyday.
If you don't care about really committing yourself to new principles and ideals then quit being a poser. Quit wasting your money on workout DVDs you never do and fitness mags for routines you never follow. Quit cutting out pictures of bodies you idolize and liking every fucking post on Facebook from a fitness model. And for god sakes stop getting a gym membership you never use. Just stop it.
I never want to hear another person tell me how tired they are and how they "just don't have time." I get up at 4:30 am and make time. I work 10hrs normal, in a high stress environment and deal with some of the shittiest people on the planet.
Make time or stop complaining.
You want advice, respect who you are asking. You want help then take it when it's graciously offered. But don't you dare make excuses, because that's like you spitting in someones face.
I'm into a ton of other things. Music, Art, Gaming. Small talk to me about the Weather, Politics, Religion if you feel brave, but stop talking fitness with me if you don't care. I just can't take being your empathetic cheerleader anymore.